Sahara Welfare Foundation.

Envisions a society where everyone has equal access to all above facilities, and Livelihood & Enterprise Development for income generation and exercises their basic rights without discrimination.

About Sahara Welfare Foundation

Sahara Welfare Foundation is a community-based charitable and non-profit organization committed to uplifting the underprivileged and vulnerable communities in Pakistan.

Sahara Welfare Foundation is registered under Voluntary Social Welfare Ordinance ACT 1961 (Registration number DSW/NWFP/2936 Dated, 24 July 2008). Our mission is to fulfill the basic needs of the low-income category and establish a prosperous society filled with moral values, dignity, and self-respect.

We are a national, multidisciplinary, development-oriented, and non-profit organization committed to empowering vulnerable and underprivileged communities through various initiatives including Climate Change, Sustainable Livelihoods, Improved Local Governance, Social Cohesion, and enhanced Resilience to environmental hazards.

Sahara Welfare Foundation is proud to be a partner organization of UNEP South Korea & SAARC Energy Centre Islamabad Pakistan, involved in implementing a 10-year Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) project in selected 31 Union councils of 11 districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab, and Sindh.

Our key areas of focus include Climate Change, Women Empowerment, Cultural Preservation, Poverty Alleviation, Environment Development and Conservation, Energy, Human Rights, Education, Community Health Care, Youth Leadership & Empowerment, Micro Finance, Enterprise Development, and Rehabilitation of the differently-abled, all without discrimination based on race, religion, creed, or political affiliation.

Our operations are guided by the principles of neutrality, impartiality, and independence, ensuring that our efforts positively impact the lives of those in need across Pakistan.

Our Vision

Sahara Welfare Foundation envisions a society where everyone has equal access to all facilities, Livelihood & Enterprise Development for income generation, and exercises their basic rights without discrimination.
Sahara Welfare Foundation envisions a society where:
Everyone has equal access to all facilities and resources necessary for a dignified life. Livelihood & Enterprise Development opportunities are available to foster income generation and economic stability. Basic rights are exercised freely and without any form of discrimination. Every individual has the support and empowerment needed to achieve their full potential.

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Our Mission

The mission of the Sahara Welfare Foundation is to bring together people in wisdom, united in their hearts toward the common goal of peace on Earth. By encouraging public awareness of peace and by building cooperation among individuals and organizations in all fields, including education, science, culture, and the arts, we aim to build an international peace network and to stimulate the global trend toward a culture of peace. To ensure accessibility of WASH and Education, Energy, Human Rights, Poverty Alleviation, Youth Empowerment, Micro Finance, Health services to marginalized segments of society and improve their socio-economic status for their active inclusion and active participation in mainstream development.

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Our Goals

At Sahara Welfare Foundation, we are committed to achieving the following goals:

Promoting Human Rights
Promoting Human Rights

We advocate for the rights of women, children, youth, and minorities, striving for equality and justice.

Improving Health and Education
Improving Health and Education

Enhancing the quality of basic health and education services for hard-to-reach communities in KP.

Economic Empowerment
Economic Empowerment

Empowering low-income individuals, especially women and youth, through skills development, education, and enterprise programs.

Promoting Quality Education
Promoting Quality Education

Supporting quality education through formal and non-formal programs, including adult literacy initiatives.

Ensuring Accessibility
Ensuring Accessibility

Ensuring access to health, water, and sanitation services for disadvantaged communities.


Promoting peace and conflict resolution through collaboration among communities, government, and civil society organizations.

Humanitarian Response
Humanitarian Response

Responding to humanitarian emergencies by providing crisis support, disaster risk reduction, emergency relief, and post-crisis recovery assistance.


  1. Reconstruct & rehabilitate sustainable agriculture and livelihood security in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.
  2. Enroll families and youth (male/female) in training programs across various fields.
  3. Train youth (male/female) in different trades and skills, participating in government technical assistance and rehabilitation programs.
  4. Provide educational and vocational training facilities with the support of relevant departments and organizations.
  5. Offer job opportunities in the social and industrial sectors.
  6. Establish linkages and coordination with concerned departments and organizations.
  7. Organize training, seminars, workshops, and symposiums for community advancement.
  8. Engage the community in uplift programs and positive activities.
  9. Provide aid to those affected by danger and natural disasters.
  10. Secure income for widows who cannot cover domestic expenses.
  11. Offer legal aid to needy individuals, such as widows or women from broken families.
  12. Advocate for the rights of people at national and international levels.
  13. Revive Indigenous Cultural Heritage (RICH) with support from the Directorate of Culture, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (2017).
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Chairman's Message

I am very happy to introduce our NGO “Sahara Welfare Foundation” to you. On behalf of my NGO, I welcome you warmly as we are watching closely that millions of children are a big example of child labor in our country. With such aims and objectives, it was established having a strong message of solution for society in terms of the betterment of the poor and downtrodden people who are needy of our attention and deserve our help. Our mission will strengthen the poor and needy ones in all walks of life. It is a non-political and fully charitable Foundation, helping people who are deprived in our societies and still their dreams of real is a miracle and not looking to be fulfilled like other ones of society. Sahara Welfare Foundation has been working for the empowerment of economic, cultural, and educational development in weaker sections, especially in minority-dominated areas where still schools do not exist on a large scale.

The increasing complexity of social issues is placing a greater burden not only on governments but also on individuals. Many people now feel that it is not possible to solve these problems by relying on public services alone. In response, more people want to do something to help solve society’s problems and are showing increased interest in activities that make a social contribution. Companies have become more involved in activities that reflect a stronger awareness of their corporate social responsibility (CSR), and nonprofit and volunteer activities have also become well established. There is a growing movement to join hands and work together toward achieving a society sustained by mutual support. The Sahara Welfare Foundation's most valuable asset is the network of people and organizations that we have created through our activities over the past sixteen (16) years. We know from experience that bringing people together creates synergies.

Our priority is solving actual problems on the ground. We engage in lively discussions with nonprofit organizations, corporations, governments, international organizations, researchers, and volunteers to arrive at possible solutions, and to initiate and implement projects. The Sahara Welfare Foundation strives to apply the knowledge and experience we have accumulated over the years, and in cooperation with others, works to solve the issues that confront our society today. The modern world is passing through a crucial phase as the gap between the rich and the poor is augmenting day by day. Everyone is becoming a target of discrimination. People who have are not willing to share with those who are helpless and those who are living on the edge of their lives.

But these people are not alone; Sahara Welfare Foundation is standing with them, informing them about their rights, defending their rights at all levels, and confronting inequality and intolerance wherever they are found. We approach this pillar with humility, mindful of the fact that all members have human rights challenges. And we embrace it with purpose, knowing that those challenges must be met, both for the cause of human rights itself, and for the benefit of peace and development. That is our identity and our mission.

We are a growing non-profit, non-political, and non-governmental organization based on an integrated team of dedicated individuals whose sole slogan is “Empowering the underprivileged” and who believe in the fact that “God helps those who help others”. May God support our purpose and help us shape a better community. I would like to thank all the donors, organizations, Bank Al-Habib LTD, stakeholders, and well-wishers for their valuable support and cooperation extended to Sahara Welfare Foundation for carrying out its activities smoothly.

I also express my sincere thanks to the members of the Governing Board for their valuable support and suggestions, and all the staff members of Sahara Welfare Foundation for their diligence and hard work to attain the mission and goals of Sahara Welfare Foundation.

Bakht Muhammad
Sahara Welfare Foundation
+92 345 9032266, +92 300 9301314
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Donors of Sahara Welfare Foundation

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