Policies and Procedures Document

Chapter 1 Introduction Sahara Welfare Foundation is a non-government, nonprofit and nonpolitical organization registered in Khyber Pukhtunkhwa Province of Pakistan under Voluntary Social Welfare (Registration & Control) Ordinance 1961, the registration number is DSW/NWFP/2936 Dated 24 July, 2008.
AIM: Sahara Welfare Foundation aim is to work for a civilized society, free of violence, injustice and prejudice, where everyone has equal rights and opportunities to spend their lives irrespective of class, creed and religion & to maintain the freedom of right and can ensure to safeguard the national integrity & ideology.
(i) To improve Literacy Ratio
(ii) To empower Women
(iii) Awareness on Social & Political Issues
(iv)Improve Environmental Conservation Child Welfare (Better Education & Health & Eradication of Child Labor)
(vi)Promote Sports Activities
(vii)Fight Narcotics
(viii)Physical, Social, Environmental & Infrastructure Development
(ix) Masses Mobilization & Awareness Community Development
(x) Economic Development
(xi) Poverty Alleviation
Xii Employment and Sustenance
(xiii)Issues evaluation of Population Planning, Education & Training, Health and Hygiene, Sectarianism and Extremism & Environmental Protection
Principles/Cross Cutting Themes

{1} To follow International Standard Humanitarian principles and code of conduct
(2) To respect affected community’s right to life with dignity
(3} To target the poorest and most affected/vulnerable groups particularly women, children and persons with disabilities
{4} To ensure community participation in all stages of a programs and projects
(5) To ensure equality and gender fair practices
(6) To follow International humanitarian standards such as Sphere and People in Aid Code of Good Practices
(7) To promotion of HIV & AIDS awareness and prevention
{8} To ensure transparency, co-ordination and co-operation with similar organizations, local government and other stakeholders
(9) To ensure documentation and learning through effective monitoring and evaluation.

The following Policies and Procedures will act as the framework for the detailed standing orders and will provide guidelines to assist Sahara Welfare Foundation in its operations. All Staff members must fulfill their duties detailed out in their job descriptions and have to abide by the rules and regulations, which will be periodically updated and approved by the Executive and General Bodies of the organization as and when required.

Last Updated: 10-01-2019


Financial Policy Sahara Welfare Foundation Deals with the following Component.

(1) Donation
(2) Income & Expenditure
(3) Cash Book, Cash & Bank Dealing
(4) Payment Procedure, Payments & Receipts
(5) Purchase & Procurement
(6) Audit & Account

The above major components are discussed separately below.

1. Donation:

Sahara Welfare Foundation Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, is a nonpolitical and non-profitable foundation. Main source of income and expenditure is donation from various sources listed below.

(a) Donation from GB and EB members of Sahara Welfare Foundation.
(b) Donation from Local and non-local philanthropist.
(c) Financial support for project implementation by INGO’s, Government and NGO’s.
(d) Proper Record of Receipt and Expenditure is kept in cash book.

2. Income and Expenditure:

(a) Income is recorded in shape of donation or grant on daily and monthly bases.
(b) Expenditure is recorded for coral formalities.
(c) Staff Salaries.
(d) Office Expenditure.
(e) Procurement.
(f) Project Implementation Expenditure.
(g) Trainings, Work Shops, Seminars etc. Expenditure.
(h) Travel, Hotel Rent, Vehicle Rent and Office Rent etc.
(i) Communication and Transportation of Goods and procurements.
(j) Operational and Maintenance charges.

3. Financial Management Specific:

1. Sahara Welfare Foundation management and finance department will ensure that organization internal controls are effective and does not concentrate all authorities to one person, will ensure to have more than one signatory on bank accounts and more than one person to do and review the procurements.

2. To open/use a separate bank account for Sahara Welfare Foundation and each/every project., will make available all financial records relating to the project (including source documentation) as required; and will maintain separate records and vouchers for each and every project. All financial records will be maintained by Sahara Welfare Foundation for a period of five years or as per the requirement of the funding agency for specific project (s).

3. It is the responsibility of Sahara Welfare Foundation management and finance department to meet the Government of Pakistan’s legal requirements as regards accounts, audit, annual reports and annual returns.

4. To make all payments exceeding Rs. 10,000/- through a cross cheques.

5. To make formal service contract and an approved job description for each employee working either solely for Sahara Welfare Foundation and or under it is one or more projects as per standard audit and labor law requirements.

6. To utilize the grant funds according to the budget lines contained in the project proposal and to obtain approval, in advance, from the Grantor if changes in the budget become necessary, provided that;

{a} The variations are within the scope of the project budget objectives;
(b) The variation is not in administrative budget lines or from project cost to administrative budget lines.
(c) The total project budget does not change.
{c} The variation is no more than 10% of the budget line; any engineered use of this flexibility will be subject to detailed scrutiny and necessary action.

7. The finance Manager will issue cheque only on the receipt of budget request from concerned employee. And the second payment will only be made, when previous payments clear through submission of original signed (minimum two persons) receipts of full payment had made.

8. Hierarchy: The budget requests made by staff members will be recommended by immediate manager and then finance manager after checking availability of the budget and will be approved by the Administrator. The request for salaries and administrative expenses (vehicle repairmen, POL etc) will be made by finance manager, recommended by Administrator and approved by chairperson. The utilities bills, stationary, photo state and other office expenses request will be made by admin officer, recommended by finance manager and approved by Administrator. The purchases request above Rs. 20,000 will be made by concerned manager with endorsement of Administrator, recommended by finance manager after checking availability of funds and approved by the chairperson.

9. The finance and admin record will contain the following for each separate project;

a. Project team attendance sheet.
b. Vouchers file, all vouchers must be enclosed by original receipts and supporting documents.
c. Vehicle log sheet.
d. Suppliers request.
e. Quote evaluation form/comparative statement.
f. Purchase order.
g. Good receive note.
h. Goods delivery note.
i. Staff time sheet.
j. Cash reconciliation form.
k. Receipt vouchers (Bank & Cash).
l. Payment vouchers (Bank & Cash).
m. Cost Docket/Payment Receipt.
n. Cash log book.
o. Bank Reconciliation.
p. Payment request.
q. Weekly/Monthly/ Quarterly/ Annual Financial report.
r. Diary and dispatched register.
s. Reconciliation of distribution (Reconciliation, distribution, reconciliation summary).

10. The Recording of a transaction will follow the following sequence;

(a). Cash (payment/receipt)/Bank (payment/receipt) Voucher with necessary supporting documents include budget request, supply/demand form original receipts duly signed.
(b). Recording of voucher in General/Subsidiary ledgers or in Cash/Bank Book.
(c) .Maintaining proper separate vouchers files for Cash Receipt Vouchers (CRVs), Cash Payment Vouchers (CPVs), Bank Receipt Vouchers (BRVs) and Bank Payment Vouchers (BPVs).
(d) .Preparation of daily cash reconciliation statement on standard format.
(e). Preparation of Monthly bank statement on standard format.
(f). Preparation of monthly financial statements/financial reports for each project.
(h). Submission of financial reports on weekly/monthly/quarterly or annual basis as per the requirements of the funding agency and terms and conditions agreed by the two parties.
(i). End of project audits for each individual project.
(j). Complete organizational audit following fiscal year from July to June, all financial records and individual project audit reports must be delivered to appointed reputable auditor firm in the month of July each year.

4. Payment Procedure, Payments & Receipts

Payment policy of Sahara Welfare Foundation for each Transaction and expenditure payment voucher will be maintained, all payments above Rs. 10,000 will be made through cross cheque.

Major components
(a) Petty cash.
(b) Travel reimbursement.
(c) Training Bills.
(d) Salary payment.
(e) Final settlement.
(f) Project Components Bills.

The above major components are discussed separately below.

4.1 Petty Cash

(a) Covering cash statement.
(b) Covering letter for petty cash.
(c) Receipt (vendor address, date, and serial no).
(d) When no bill, receipt form should be attached.
(e) Internet bill (actual used net card).
(f) Fuel bill (vehicle log book).
(i) Courier bill (courier slip).
(j) Petty cash must be signed by Administrator, Project Manager or Chairman.

4.2 Travel reimbursement

(a) Visit report.
(b) Approved travel request by Project Manager.
(c) Participants ‘reimbursement form.
(d) Actual receipts (if no actual receipt form).
(e) Air ticket (boarding card) .
(f) Bus ticket.
(i) Any other documentation.
(j) Justification for uncertainty if any.

4.3 Training payment

(a) Purchase request for training material.
(b) Tender (above Rs 30,000).
(c) Original quotation.
(d) Bid comparison statement.
(e) Purchase order.
(f) Original receipts of hotel (signed by Project Manager).
(i) Activity report.
(j) Participants list.
(k) Attendance sheet.
(L) Justification for any over and under expense or any out of routine activity.

4.4 Salary payment

(a) Salary sheet signed by authorized officer.
(b) Over time form (signed by individual and the PM).
(c) Attendance sheet of employees.
(d) Leave record.
(e) Original copy of Agreement if new employee inducted.
(f) Renewal agreement when renewed.

4.5 Final Settlement

(A) Presentation of one month notice or one month salary in lieu of notice.
(B) Resignation approved (agreement signed).
(C) Settlement of final claims.
{D} Employee checkout form
{E} Final payment disclosure form (acknowledgement)

5. Purchase & Procurement

According to the Sahara Welfare Foundation requirement stock and other procurement need to be purchase as per below procedure

Justification of Purchase/Other Payment Requirement:

1. The official who needs purchase of some item will float request from the department to finance officer. 2. Finance officer will consult budget availability and will assess the need and report to Manager Operation for approval or otherwise. 3. After approval the volume of the expenditure on purchase of the item will be determined according to the cost. 4. Up to Rupees 15,000/- Local purchase through quotation will be processed. 5. Above Rupees 15,000/- the purchase will be advertise as tender document. 6. For both serial no four and five purchase committee will process the quotation/tender and recommend the lowest bidder keeping in view the quality and specification of the item. 7. Competent authority will approve the recommendation of the purchase committee and allow the purchase. 8. Purchase order will specification and time frame will be issued to the approved dealer keeping his security amount in bank. 9. The dealer will supply according to supply order the items with in specify time. 10. The received items will be inspected by the inspection committee and will recommend/reject the item accordingly. 11. The approved item will be honored for payment per payment process. 12. The purchase item will be taken on entry and payment will be done accordingly. 13. Any dispute regarding payment will be decided by grievance committee constituted specifically for the issue by Manager Operation. 14. Likewise other item of expenditure will be processed according to laid down procedure (TA/DA, Training Expenses, Infrastructure Bill and other bills as well).

6. Audit & Account

a) Account

(a) Account will be maintained on daily bases by Finance officer. (b) Each entry of account will be supported by necessary documents. (c) Vouchers and other format for the purpose will be used and numbered with date accordingly. (d) Expenditure above Rupees 15,000/- per month will need authorization from manager operation. (e) Expenditure beyond Rupees 1, 00,000/- will need authorization from chairman Sahara Welfare Foundation. (f) Cash book will be maintained on daily basis.

b) Audit (a) Periodical local audit will be done by Manager Operation. (b) Annual Audit will be done by registered CA Firm.

Chapter 2 : Human Resource Management Policy


Human Resource Policy of Sahara Welfare Foundation is designed to deal with the following. (a) Human Resource Development. (b) Induction of Volunteer’s force of workers in Sahara Welfare Foundation. (c) Appointment of regular and casual staff for organization and project implemented through Sahara Welfare Foundation. (d) Invitation of CV’s. (e) Preparation of candidates list. (f) Test and interviews of the candidates. (i) Appointment of selected candidates according to know of vacancies. (j) Listing of remaining candidates on waiting list. {k} Orientation of appointed staff according to position and job requirement.

Rationale for recruitment: (1) The organization will process Recruitment through Committee. (2) The recruitment committee will recommend right person for right job having a relevant qualifications and experience to the job. (3) Competent authority on the recommendation of committee offer job to the candidates and after receiving consent of the candidates issue appointment order on agreed terms and conditions. (4) All the appointments will be on one year contract renewable on yearly bases provided the vacancy exists and performance of the worker as satisfactory. (5) Written contract of employee and employer will be executed. (6) If recruitment committee wants to grant waiver to someone as a special case, it will have to seek prior approval of the Chairman.

SOPs of Recruitment Process:

{1}No of vacancies and required qualification and experience will be approved by the executive body of Sahara Welfare Foundation. {2} Extension and contract will be subject to the best performance and availability of post {3} Promotion and demotion and removal will be decided according to scope of work, qualifications and experience. {4}Job description will be assigned to the appointee on completion of orientation training by Sahara Welfare Foundation. {5}Leave cases will be avoided and will be granted approval in rare and very genuine condition. {6}Performance evaluation report will be written of the employees by his senior appointed for the purpose. {7} Manager operation will review the performance report, countersign it if agreed, or will summon the employee to discuss the short coming and give him/her one chance to improve otherwise organizational action will be recommend.

Advertisement of post: The positions will be advertised and selection will be made on merit by the competent authority through recommendation of the appointment committee.

Short listing: HRM department will draw up application list and afterward merit list and waiting list. If the candidate wish his/her documents will also be kept on volunteer list and he/she will be offered volunteer service if not selected for the position.

Call for interview: Call for the interview with no TA/DA will be issued if not given in the advertisement.

Recruitment Committee: Recruitment committee will consist of the following.

(1) Manager operation/ Representative (In chair). (2) HR Manager Member. (3) Manager Concerned of the advertised position member

The committee as mention above will recommend the candidates on merit for appointment

General Condition (1) The candidates will be required to produce original certificates and degrees for verification. (2) Salary and leave entitlement will be decided and endorsed in writing. (3) Performance Evaluation, Extension in Contract, removal from post/service will be dealt by the concerned department approved by the manager operation with the prior consent of Chairman Sahara Welfare Foundation whatever the case may be.

Conditions of Employment:

1. Timing:

a. Hours of Work: All employees of the organization will work 5-days a week (40 hours at minimum) from 08:00 am – 05: 00 pm (including one hour lunch & prayer break). The management will decide the timing. Persistent lateness will lead to necessary disciplinary action.

b. Overtime: Sahara Welfare Foundation will not pay any overtime to the employee; however time off in leave can be given under the recommendations of the officer in charge to be approved by the Administrator.

c. Per-Diem:The organization will pay per-diem to the staff members as per the decision of the Administrator and availability of the project funds. Rates payable are outlined in the standing orders.

2. Leaves:

1. Annual Leaves:

All employees except those in probation are entitled to 24 working days leaves per year. Any request for the leaves must be submitted at least two days in advance or one week in advance if leaves exceed 3 or more days. In the absence of the Chairman and Administrator the Finance Manager will approve these leaves. Leave encashment is not permitted and employees should avail their leaves during the financial year (July to June). Leaves can only be carried into subsequent year in exceptional circumstances.

2. Sick Leaves:

Any employee who is not fit to attend work should inform the office before 9:00 AM. However, he/she must report to the office in person on their first day back at work to submit a leave application. A medical certificate will be required when an employee is sick for more than 2-days. In case of serious illness or injury for more than one month, Sahara Welfare Foundationwill pay only full salary for 1-month with a total of 3-months continuation of service without pay. After 3 months, Sahara Welfare Foundation will arrange a medical examination for the employee. If the employee is found UNFIT to return to work then his/her contract will stand cancelled and terminated. The employee will be additionally benefited with coverage under accidental insurance.

3. Maternity Leave:

A total of 45 days paid leaves (including weekends etc.) will be given to women employees and if necessary additional unpaid leaves may be grant to pregnant women with the approval of ADMINISTRATOR. A total one week paid leaves will be given to men employees and if necessary additional unpaid leaves may be grant with approval of ADMINISTRATOR.

4. Un-paid Leaves:

Unpaid leaves may be granted in special circumstances only with the approval of the Chairman and Administrator . 5. Public Holydays:

Holidays declared by the Government of Pakistan or Khyber Pakhtunkhwa will be observed and will be considered as additional to the annual leaves entitlement.

Staff Training: It is the policy of Sahara Welfare Foundationto ensure a supportive and secured environment and to encourage staff members to improve their skills. Staff training and orientation is viewed as mandatory and an essential part of Sahara Welfare Foundationprogram and continued efforts will be made to identify training opportunities offered by other organizations, which can be beneficial to employee’s professional growth and development.

Annual Assessment Annual staff assessment will be undertaken to review the performance of all the staff. Each employee’s training needs can be gauged and his or her strengths and weaknesses discussed. The immediate boss will be responsible for undertaking the annual assessment of his / her subordinate, whilst the final decision will be that of the ADMINISTRATOR.

Promotion It is the policy of Sahara Welfare Foundationto promote staff from within the organization. The promotion of each employee will be based on the employee’s annual assessment and performance. The ADMINISTRATOR in consultation with the Chairperson, Program Manager, Finance Manager & HID Manager will take the final decision in this regard.

Resignation: All the employees who intend to resign will have to inform the management one month in advance and accordingly will clear all his/her dues. In case of no notice by the employee, the employee will have to deposit one month salary to the organization. Before leaving the organization he / she shall hand over all the related duties / responsibilities to person replacing him / her.


During the employment period, the appointments may be terminated either by the employee or by Sahara Welfare Foundationas per the contract signed with the employee and as per the rules and regulations of Sahara Welfare Foundation. In case of termination of the employee for other than the disciplinary reason, the management will issue a one month advance notice to the employee or will have to pay the salary of that month after clearance of all the dues.

3 Procurement Policy

General Description

Purpose: To establish the policy and procedures for procurement for Organizational purposes.

Description Sahara Welfare Foundation Procurement Policy facilitate to procure quality goods and services at competitive prices, with the procurement decision made considering reasonable price, better quality, and time bound delivery schedule.

Scope: This policy applies to the procurement of capital equipment, goods and services, and supplies by Sahara Welfare Foundation.

Procurement Definitions: Procurement refers to the purchase of goods and services for use in project related activities when sufficient funds are available to make such purchases.

Competent Authority Manager Operation on the recommendation of purchase committee will approve the purchase recommended by committee keeping in view the lowest price and quality goods with given specification and time bound supply.

Capital Item (1) This includes the following. (2) Electronic Equipment. (3) Furniture. (4) Project Procurement. (5) Engineering concern. (6) Vehicles. (7) Medicines. (8) Books and Periodicals.

Consumable items

(1) Stationery items. (2) Refilling inks and toners. (3) Newspapers and Periodicals. (4) Plastic low cost office use equipment.

Total Purchase Value

(1) Cost will be calculated as unit cost multiplied by number of items. (2) Specification will be provided with manufacture firm. (3) Security money will be chargeable according to quantity supplied. (4) All taxation will be deducted at source.

(5) Payment value will be released after recommendation of the inspection committee. (6) Final payment including release of security money will be done after the expire of the security period for payment. (7) If any damage or defect arrives in purchase goods/infrastructure the security amount will be utilized for treatment as risk and cost.

Receipt All the expenditure will be documented through actual payee’s receipt. Before payment supplies will be recommended per specification, quality and manufacture by inspection committee, while infrastructure will be inspected and certificated by site engineer and bill’s produced on Measurement Bill (MB).

Purchase Committee A Purchase Committee will be formed and responsible to coordinate bid comparison activities and purchases. This will comprise of the following. (1) Manager Operation (2) Finance Officer (3) Project Engineer in case of works and service’s

Conflict of Interest Conflict of Interest will be avoided: If a conflict of interest occurs due to the following.

(1) Has competing professional or personal obligations, or personal or institutional or financial interests, that conflict with his/her professional obligations to the project or otherwise make it difficult for him/her to fulfill project duties fairly (2) Is in a position to influence the decisions of the project in relation to another individual or organization in ways that could lead directly or indirectly to gain for the individual/organization (financial or otherwise), or give improper advantage to one individual/organization (3) A family relation is a brother, sister, son, daughter, father, mother, uncle, aunt, first cousin, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, half-brother, half-sister, SWF-brother, SWF-sister, SWF-daughter, or SWF-son ,wife, husband. (4) Vendors whose staff are family relations of any employee or governing body member involved making the purchase for the organization as well as vendors in which any organization staff have financial investment, are not allowed to be included in tenders under any circumstances.

(5) In the case of a vendor whose staff maintain friendship with an employee or governing body member of the organization making the purchase, the employee or governing body member may not under any circumstances participate in the selection of the vendors for the tender, the tender process, or the bid committee.

(6) All employees of the organization are required to declare family, personal, or financial relationships immediately in order to ensure transparent process.

Additional Information Conditions:


1. The admin section will ensure that all required details are communicated carefully while inviting bids, preparing bid comparison or placing an order. 2. All capital item requisitions and purchases must be approved by the Manager Operation. 3. The relevant donor’s guidelines must also be consulted to ensure compliance. 4. It is highly recommended to check references of vendors and service suppliers prior to making the purchase decision. 5. Where possible, purchases should be made from authorized dealers only. In the case of sophisticated equipment that may need repair (such as computers, printers, telephones, vehicles, etc.), only vendors with company-authorized repair centers may be included in tenders (unless no such vendors exist in the location where purchase is being made). 6. Suppliers with satisfactory back up service arrangements such as a repair workshop, skilled technical staff and a good reputation in the market should be favored when possible. 7. Failure to adhere to any element of this Procurement Policy may be grounds for disciplinary action or dismissal.

Purchases of less than PKR 15,000 Though this is not required at least two bids are recommended for purchases. However purchases with total value of less than PKR 15,000 can be made on the basis of a single quotation. Purchases At or Above PKR 15,000 but below PKR 50,000 1. In case of purchases of items with value of above then PKR 15,000 and up to PKR 50,000 three sealed quotations are required. This includes goods as well as services. These quotations can be acquired through telephonic request to the vendors or through faxing the details of purchase. 2. A comparative statement must be prepared for review by a Purchase Committee. The Purchase Committee must reach consensus before the vendor is selected. 3. A Purchase Order must be issued to the supplier using standard terms and conditions.

Purchases At or Above PKR 50,000 1. For purchases of PKR 50,000 or more in total value, tenders will be invitation and document. (Except for Air Travel – see below.) 2. Invitations to Tender must be given to vendors, along with specifications of items or services to be purchased (including size, speed, material, make, color, quantity etc). 3. When possible, bids should be submitted in sealed envelopes and opened publicly by the purchase committee. 4. A Comparative Statement must be prepared for review by a Purchase Committee. The Purchase Committee must reach consensus before the vendor is selected based on lowest rate and better quality according to specification and manufacture. 5. Purchase Order will be issued to the suppler approved to supply the items within time limit according specification and make

Air Travel 1. For air travel, a tender and formal bid committee process is not required. 2. For air travel, evidence of price comparison must be provided. In general, low price should be the principle determining factor for selection of one vendor/ airline over others. In some cases, however, a more expensive flight may be purchased because of a superior itinerary, more appropriate flight timings, specific travel dates, availability of seats, reliability of airline, etc.

Procedures: Purchase Initiation/ Purchase Requisition 1. The person requiring the items to be purchased must request to the Project Manager for his/ her approval and then forwards it to the administration department. Admin dep’t should get financial concurrence (budget availability etc.) from Finance Department before calling for quotations. 2. Where brand of any item is considered as an important factor the requestor must mention the name in the request. In the absence of any brand name the bids will be collected for some brands and requestor will choose one brand. 3. The Administration should call for quotations for general office supplies every six months, along with samples, where feasible. Onces, a bid is approved, the order can then be placed on a needs basis with the approved bidder.

Bids 1. The administration department shall follow the laid down procedures for getting quotations and preparing Comparative Statement to be reviewed by the Purchase Committee. 2. The admin section will invite bids from reputable/ authorized suppliers. In the case of sophisticated equipment, only vendors who offer company-authorized repair should be included in tenders. 3. The deadlines set for receiving bids should allow a reasonable time period for vendors to respond. 4. Samples, where applicable, should be called from vendors. 5. Bids can be received through fax. 6. In the case of a sole supplier, it may not be possible to get three bids. Sole supplier purchases require the approval of the Project Manager.

Comparative Statement 1. A Comparative Statement comparison must be prepared after bids are received and before purchase is made. 2. The Purchase Committee will review the Comparative Statement and make rational decision in the best interest of the project and agree on the purchase, taking into consideration issues of price, quality, availability/delivery schedule, terms of payments and service from the vendors. 3. Where possible, the supplier’s profile and copy of certificate of authorized dealership will be collected and kept for record purposes. Prior to making a purchase decision, those working on procurement are encouraged to check references from past or existing customers about the reputation and service quality of a bidder.

Purchase Committee: 1. For every purchase, the committee will: (a) Open sealed bids (and samples, where required) and review opened bids; (b) Review samples, if collected. (c) Compare the bids, including terms and conditions, quality, terms of payment, delivery schedule/cost, availability, taxation, etc.; (d) Recommend supplier(s) to the authorizing authority based on bid comparison;

2. In addition, the committee will ensure that:

(a) The source of funds for the purchase (donor and budget heading) has been clearly identified by the person requesting the purchase. (b) A minimum of three bids have been collected. (If this is not feasible for some reason, then a written explanation/waiver with copies of proof i.e., authorized dealership certificate, sole manufacturer, etc., then the committee will verify this information);

(c) Local sources of supply have been explored fully before making a recommendation for purchase from other markets; (d) Recommendation, if any, for advance payment against order/delivery is justified and/or unavoidable.

4. The Purchase Committee should consist of one programme staff member, one admin/purchasing staff member, and one finance staff member. In absence of any one member, the Project Manager should serve on the committee. Additional staff members may be brought in to provide technical expertise as needed.

5. Members of the Purchase Committee will not delegate their membership to any other person.

6. The Purchase Committee recommendations must be by consensus. The Purchase committee should meet as a group and no member should sign the Comparative Statement until s/he is satisfied with the purchase.

7. The Purchase Committee may select more than one vendor in cases where availability, quality, or requirements of the goods or services call for this. (For example, the committee could elect to purchase 2 computers from one supplier at a higher price because they are needed urgently, while purchasing the remaining 8 computers from another supplier at a lower price who cannot deliver these computers until a later date.)

Purchase Order 1. The administration must prepare a purchase order for every purchase of PKR 5,000 or more. The purchase order must be approved by the Project Manager, or someone s/he has authorized in writing for purchase approval, before being issued to the selected vendor.

2. The vendor must sign the purchase order to acknowledge receipt and accept the purchase order. A copy of the signed purchase order will be given to the supplier.

3. A purchase order must include:

(a) Exact possible details/specifications of items to be supplied; (b) agreed delivery schedule and instructions; (c) Income tax deduction at source (see below for exemptions); (d) mode/terms of payment; and (e) Any other agreed terms and conditions.

Vendor and Tax Payments: 1. Payments for purchases must be made through crossed cheque. All bills/ invoices submitted for payment must include:

(1) Requisition to purchase item(s), signed by appropriate authorizing authority; (2) Original Invoice(s)/Bill(s); (3) for purchases of PKR 15,000 or more, at least three quotations (originals); (4) for purchases of PKR 50,000 or more, a Comparative Statement, and at least three original quotations, showing justifications for decision and duly signed by the Purchase Committee members and approved by authorized person); (5) for purchases of PKR 500,000 or more, authorization of Sahara Welfare Foundation as well as Bid Comparison and original quotations (see above) (6) Tax exemption certificate of vendor, where applicable; (7) Delivery Note duly signed by staff member to confirm receipt of item; (8) Entry into inventory, where applicable and

Goods Receipt and Inspection Report (GRIR).

2. Advance payments should be avoided. In the case of large purchases, some vendors require advance payment but this should be minimized to 25% if possible. 3. Each office must deduct income tax at source as per existing income tax rules of Government of Pakistan unless an appropriate valid tax exemption certificate is provided by the vendor. The income tax deducted should be deposited into the treasury within 7 days of making payment to the vendor.

4 Admin & Logistic Policy

1. Transport Procedure The Finance and Administration Department will be responsible: 1.1 To have basic and transparent systems for transport management and appropriate staff needs to be given the responsibility. 1.2 To ensure all staff must complete/use proper logbook/sheet for all official journeys undertaken and sign for the mileage used. 1.3 To ensure that Organization and project vehicles will not be used for staff personal use except for emergency or any grantee transport policy.

1.2 Pick and Drop Services: Pick and drop service to the employees will be at the discretion of Sahara Welfare Foundation. The employees may be picked and dropped from and to the nearest main road to their homes condition to the availability of vehicles with Sahara Welfare Foundation.

1.3 Vehicle Use: Only Sahara Welfare Foundation management including Administrator and Managers and Sahara Welfare Foundation appointed drivers would be allowed to use/drive the Program Vehicles. In emergencies, Sahara Welfare Foundationemployees can drive the vehicle with a valid driving license with the prior approval of the Administrator and or the immediate supervisor, but should be bring in the notice of the Chairman.

1.4 Vehicle Maintenance:

b) Office Vehicle: Finance & Admin Section is responsible for undertaking minor repairs to the office vehicle. Major repairs required for office vehicles should be listed in the weekly report and the Administrator will give approval for expenditure. The Admin should purchase parts costing more than Rs.5000/- Section with the approval of Administrator.

5 Complaint Policy

Disciplinary and Grievances Procedures

1.1 Disciplinary Procedures: Responsibility for disciplinary action lies with the Administrator and will bring in notice of the Chairman. All disciplinary action will be noted in the employee’s personal file. The action taken will depend on the severity of the offense but may include:

(1) Verbal Warning (2) Written Warning (3) Deduction of Annual Leave with or without pay. (4) Suspension without pay (5) Dismissal

A written warning will follow a verbal warning and if there is still no improvement, a final written warning will be issued before dismissal. However, in the event of a serious offense the above sequence will not be followed.

Reasons for disciplinary action includes I. Deliberate false statements, misrepresentation or fraud in job applications. or other official documents. II. Failure to comply with rules and regulations or standing orders. III. Dishonesty. IV. Theft or negligence or un-authorized use of equipment’s, supplies or property for which Sahara Welfare Foundation is responsible. V. Misconduct at work VI. Repeated unexcused lateness or absence from work. VII. In-subordination. VIII. Unsatisfactory performance of duties. IX. Unauthorized leave. X. Additionally, in the case of drivers, dangerous or reckless driving or repeated accidents. XI. Unnecessary interference in organizational matters outside the preview of the employee’s job description.

1.2 Grievances Procedures:

A. In the first instance, the employee should discuss individual grievances and complaints with his immediate supervisor. If the problem could not be resolved at that point then: (1) In case of field staff the immediate supervisor will take the case to the Program Manager for resolution of the matter and;

(1) In case of Administration and support staff, the matter will be directly reported to the Admin. Section. In case, the problem still remains unresolved then: The Program Manager will refer the case to the Finance & Admin Section for necessary action in case of field staff). (2) The Finance & Admin. Section will accordingly prepare the case for report to the Administrator (for field and Admin. Staff). (3) The Administrator will accordingly take necessary measures directly or direct the Finance & Admin. Section for necessary action in consultation with the Chairman.

6 Monitoring and Evaluation Policy

Internal Monitoring:

Monitoring will be two tiers, regular field monitoring visits, one by the top Project Management Committee (PMC), PMC will be comprised of Sahara Welfare Foundation Administrator, Sahara Welfare Foundation Program Manager (who will also be the project manager for the proposed project), Sahara Welfare Foundation Chairman and Administrator and second by the project monitoring team, Weekly monitoring visits by project monitoring team and fortnightly by the PMC. Monthly monitoring reports will be submitted by the project monitoring team both to PMC and funding agency.

Flow of Monitoring of Outputs and Outcomes:

(1) Preparation of weekly/monthly work plans by project team each members and a consolidated Work Plan by Project Manager and sharing with monitoring teams. (2) Preparation of weekly monitoring plans by monitoring team and sharing with Sahara Welfare Foundation Project Management Committee (PMC). (3) Monitoring visits by the project monitoring teams and PMC to monitor the activities against work plans to any project site, monitoring plan will not be share with project field staff. (4) Submission of monthly monitoring reports will be submitted by the project monitoring team both to PMC and to FUNDING AGENCY. (5) Regular monitoring visits to field and suppliers before delivery at the time of delivery and after delivery, it will be a condition that all transaction between supplier and beneficiary will be done in presence of project monitoring officer. (6) Regular monitoring visits to infrastructure sites and also taking monitoring reports from VDCs.

External Monitoring: Midterm and end of intervention monitoring visit by FUNDING AGENCY team.

Monitoring of Impact: Project evaluation after a specified period (may be six months or more) after completion of the intervention by Sahara Welfare Foundation, FUNDING AGENCY or any third party appointed by FUNDING AGENCY.

7 Miscellaneous Policy.

1. Record Keeping and Documentation: 1.1 All Executives, managers and staff members will responsible for record keeping and documentation according to their job descriptions and responsibility assigned from time to time through clear office order.

2. Information Technology The Grantee will be responsible: 2.1 To ensure regular data backup to protect project records. 2.2 To have updated Antivirus protection to be updated regularly.

3. Care of Property and Equipment’s: Staff members must take care of all vehicles, material and equipment’s issued to them and will be personally liable to any loss or damage resulting from lack of care.

Amendments: The Executive Body will make amendments to these rules and Regulations as and when needed in light of recommendations from Sahara Welfare Foundation management and will finally approve from the General Body of the Organization.